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AC replacement fan

Eventually, you’ll need to replace your Allison Park, PA air conditioner. While you can delay that by promptly scheduling repairs and scheduling regular maintenance, all ACs eventually wear out. If you notice any of these

Young Woman Sitting On Sofa Sneezing With A Cat Nearby

The indoor air quality (IAQ) of your home in Fox Chapel, PA plays a significant role in your comfort and overall health. However, many people don’t consider their home’s IAQ until they’re faced with problems.

Workman Servicing Heat Pump

Although your heat pump should not ordinarily trip your circuit breaker, it also means that your breaker is at least performing its critical safety function. Here are a few reasons your heat pump might trip

Air Heat Pump Collection

When the thermostat triggers your heat pump to heat or cool your Allison Park, PA home, multiple system components go into action. Each of these components has a unique role to play. Below, we discuss

Furnaces 101

While you can expect a measure of condensation from your furnace, you shouldn’t experience a water leak. A water leak indicates a problem that requires your immediate attention. Consider these three reasons why the furnace


If you’ve never used a programmable thermostat, it may confuse you to see it enter something called “recovery mode.” While it’s natural to worry when you see the term “recovery” on your thermostat, it’s not

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