What Makes My Furnace in Fox Chapel, PA Overheat?

Repairing furnace

An overheating furnace can be damaging in Fox Chapel, PA. It can also lead to high repair costs and put your home at risk of a fire. Here are a few common reasons why your furnace might be overheating.

The Air Filter Is Dirty

A dirty air filter can make your heating system work harder, and this can cause overheating. That is because the heating system must struggle against the dirty filter to circulate air. More specifically, blocking the airflow might cause the heat exchanger to overheat.

Something Is Blocking the Vents or Ducts

If something blocks the vents or ducts, such as furniture, boxes or drapes, it makes your system overcompensate to push warm air through the system. A furnace that’s working too hard can overheat.

This is one cause of furnace overheating that you can check on your own. Make sure that furniture, curtains or other items aren’t in the way of the vents. If you can access your ductwork, you can examine it and check for bends or kinks.

The Blower Motor Is Faulty

The blower motor moves warm air through your ductwork. If the motor is faulty, the heating system can overheat because the warm air isn’t circulating effectively.

This problem arises because the furnace keeps heating without circulating the air as it should. As the internal temperature in the system continues to rise, it eventually overheats. It’s best to contact an HVAC maintenance technician to address this problem.

The Thermostat Is Deficient

A thermostat that isn’t functioning correctly can cause a furnace to overheat by making it run longer than necessary. The thermostat might signal it to continue to heat even when the space is more than warm enough.

These causes of furnace overheating deserve immediate attention. Contact our team at Titan HVAC Inc. for your furnace repair and installation needs.

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