Should Ductless Mini-splits Leak Water in Cranberry, PA?

ductless mini-split in room

Your ductless system shouldn’t leak water. However, knowing that the ductless mini-split in your home in Cranberry, PA should not leak water doesn’t reveal anything about what might be wrong with it if it does. Here are a few reasons why your ductless mini-split system might have started leaking.

Dirty Filters

Every mini-split consists of a group of indoor air handler units, each of which works to treat the air that will go into a given cooling zone in your home. These air handlers also have a filter that cleans the air before it passes into your home. Over time, these filters will form a film of dust and dirt that might become so thick as to prevent air from flowing normally.

The resulting airflow restriction can lead to various issues. The main one is that the temperature and humidity levels in the air handler unit will rise. Consequently, the amount of condensation in the unit will also increase, and some of it may leak out.

To prevent this, you must never allow any of your system’s filters to become too dirty. Remember to clean or replace them at least once every two weeks.

Cracked Drain Pan

Since condensation naturally forms in the air handler units, it needs a way to safely exit the system. Normally, it should drip into a drain pan and pass into a drain line, through which it will disappear. Sometimes, however, the pan may rust or crack, causing some of the gathered water to leak out onto your floor.

The obvious solution here is to replace the pan. An HVAC maintenance technician can do that for you.

Blocked Drain Line

Finally, there may be some issues with the condensate drain line itself. Anything that blocks the line will cause water to eventually bubble out to the surface, resulting in a potentially serious leak.

If you do nothing to address it, even a seemingly innocuous water leak can do lasting damage to your mini-split or home. Call Titan HVAC Inc. and schedule ductless mini-split services near Cranberry, PA today.

Image provided by iStock

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