Is Poor Airflow Causing Discomfort in Your Home?

poor airflow causes discomfort

Does your Wexford PA house have hot or cold spots? If so, your ductwork may be to blame. With blocked airflow or unbalanced air ducts, your system can’t deliver enough treated air to all the rooms it serves. Those rooms will be too hot or too cold.

You Might Need Air Duct Balancing

Your HVAC system governs how much treated air is delivered to each room. Periodically, the system may need rebalancing to ensure that all rooms receive their fair share of treated air.

What Does Air Duct Balancing Involve?

A ductwork repair professional will perform a series of tests to determine the current state of your HVAC system:

  • Check insulation levels
  • Examine duct damper operation
  • Establish optimal fan speed and inspect blower wheel and coil mechanism
  • Find out whether existing ductwork has been properly sized and installed
  • Establish that ducts are free of obstructions
  • Check ducts for leaks

Airflow Blockages

Flexible ducts are soft ducts that bend. If they develop crimps, they can prevent air from getting through the system and could eventually burn up the motor.

Duct dampers control where air can go in your home. If these dampers aren’t working properly, they can cause your HVAC to become unbalanced. An unbalanced system can’t perform consistently, so some rooms are hotter or colder than others.

Airflow Duct Leaks

Energy Star has determined that most homes lose up to 30 percent of treated air through leaks, rips, holes and loose joints in ducts. Those losses can drain your wallet with energy costs. Over time, they can cause your HVAC to age prematurely because of unnecessary wear and tear.

At Titan HVAC Inc., we perform ductwork repair, restore HVAC balance, remove airflow blockages and improve energy efficiency. Visit us online or call us to learn more.

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