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4 Issues Caused by Poor IAQ in Fox Chapel, PA

Young Woman suffering from poor IAQ

It’s not uncommon to have concerns about air pollution and contaminants outdoors. Homeowners may not realize that the air inside their homes can create problems, too. Below are four issues caused by poor indoor air quality (IAQ) in your Fox Chapel, PA home.

1. Chronic Diseases

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued warnings that indoor air pollution can contribute to respiratory problems and diseases such as pneumonia, Legionnaires’ disease and asthma. Homeowners may be unaware that IAQ can also increase the risk of heart disease and even some cancers.

2. Allergies

Allergies are another common concern since many folks are allergic to pet dander, plant matter and even some cleaning products. Removing the source of these indoor allergens is not always possible or desirable, especially when you love your pets like family. Fortunately, ventilators and air purifiers can filter out many of these airborne pollutants or simply expel them from the home.

3. Toxic Gases

A less common IAQ issue, but one that still threatens many homes, is toxic gases. Radon, a radioactive gas that originates in the soil under your home and is the second leading cause of lung cancer, can leak into houses through holes and cracks in the foundation. Carbon monoxide, which can come from stoves, water heaters, fireplaces and cars running in the garage, can reach lethal levels in minutes.

4. Decreased Comfort Levels

Poor IAQ and lack of indoor ventilation can also be a simple nuisance by making you feel uncomfortable in your own home. You may notice a lack of quality sleep, trouble concentrating or fatigue. Replacing dirty air filters regularly can help remove pollutants.

We offer top-of-the-line air cleaners, air purifiers, humidifiers, dehumidifiers and ventilators to meet all of your HVAC needs. If your household suffers from the effects of poor indoor air quality, contact Titan HVAC Inc. to explore our many IAQ solutions for your home in Fox Chapel, PA.

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