How Often Should I Change My Furnace Filter?

dirty furnace filter

Without a clean filter, your furnace won’t perform properly. What’s more, running your heater with a dirty filter can seriously damage your equipment. Here’s how to determine whether the furnace filter in your Allison Park home needs replacement:

Perform Regular Filter Checks

Filter change frequency depends on conditions in your home. These conditions change constantly. Your furnace might have needed a new filter every three months last year. This year, it might need a new filter every month. Filters should be checked every 30 days. The only way to be sure you need filter replacement is to look at the filter.

Put the Filter to the Test

Remove the filter from the furnace, and hold it up to the light. If you can’t see light through the filter, you need a filter replacement. When you examine the filter, do you see filter material through the dirt? If not, it’s time to change the filter.

Watch Out for Abnormal Equipment Operation

Running your furnace with a dirty air filter can cause it to malfunction. Is your furnace constantly cycling on and off? Do you smell something burning? If so, schedule emergency furnace repair. Clogged filters can cause blower motor burnout. The heat exchanger could overheat, crack and cause a carbon monoxide leak.

Do You Keep Your Windows Open?

Open windows give dust and other pollutants access to your home. These particles increase your filter’s workload, so the filter may need replacement more often.

Do You Have Pets?

Pet dander and pet hair quickly accumulate on air filters. The more pets in your household, the more often you’ll need to change the filter.

The experts at Titan HVAC Inc., can recommend air filters that meet the unique needs of your home. Call us at (412) 424-6794 to learn more.

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