If you’ve never used a programmable thermostat, it may confuse you to see it enter something called “recovery mode.” While it’s natural to worry when you see the term “recovery” on your thermostat, it’s not always bad. Learn more about what recovery mode is and why your Cranberry, PA thermostat uses it.
What is Recovery Mode?
If you see that your thermostat is in recovery mode, there’s probably nothing to worry about. Recovery mode is a special energy-saving feature that advanced programmable thermostats have. It tells your HVAC system to slowly alter indoor temperatures while using as little energy as possible.
Turning the heating system on full blast when it’s time for a higher temperature wastes energy. Recovery mode starts before you want the temperature raised. It ensures that, when the time comes, your home will be at the comfortable temperature you set.
What if Something Is Wrong?
Sometimes, it might go into recovery mode when it’s not supposed to. This could be caused by a power surge or internal wiring issue.
This can also happen if your system is cycling improperly, refusing to turn on or off or simply failing to heat or cool your home when needed. When these things happen, your thermostat may sometimes react by triggering recovery mode.
What Should You Do?
If your thermostat is in recovery mode for anything other than the designed reason, you should call an HVAC repair technician to resolve the problem. The technician will be able to fix your thermostat and give your HVAC system a tune-up.
In most cases, recovery mode is a highly beneficial thermostat feature. Sometimes, though, it’s a sign of trouble. For those cases, call Titan HVAC Inc. and ask for our HVAC services in Cranberry, PA.
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