What Can I Expect from a Furnace Maintenance Visit?

furnace repair

Annual furnace maintenance keeps Allison Park heaters healthy and indoor comfort levels high. Your technician can resolve any issues that could potentially crash your system. There are other benefits as well:

A Safe Furnace

Furnace malfunctions are dangerous. If the heat exchanger cracks or the pilot light turns yellow, carbon monoxide could be leaking into your home. A poorly maintained furnace could even start a fire. Your technician will perform the following tasks:

  • Check the fuel connections, fuel pressure and burner combustion
  • Tighten the electrical connections and measure voltage and current on motors
  • Test the controls and check the starting cycle for safe operation

An Energy-Efficient Furnace

Dirty furnace buildup obstructs airflow. Your furnace is compelled to work overtime to push hot air through the grunge. Overworked furnaces guzzle energy and can cost you a small fortune in utility bills. Annual heating maintenance ensures a clean machine that performs optimally and keeps utility bills in check.

A Clean Furnace Filter

Clogged filters cause most HVAC breakdowns, and they can increase energy consumption by up to 15 percent. Dirty filters blow contaminants into your living space whenever air is circulating. Filter dirt can also cause internal equipment damage that results in furnace failure. Clogged filters restrict airflow. Poor airflow can cause hot or cold spots in your home and prevent your heater from maintaining the desired temperature.

A High-Performance System

Furnace maintenance includes lubricating moving parts to prevent friction that causes excess electricity consumption. Your technician will also calibrate the thermostat to ensure proper operation. Finally, your condensate line will be cleared of blockages that prevent drainage.

At Titan HVAC Inc., our heating maintenance services include all of the above. Call us at (412) 424-6794 to learn more.

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