How to Keep My Indoor Air Healthy This Winter

healthy indoor air

During the winter months, we close our windows and doors to seal out the cold and keep the warmth indoors. This can help to keep utility costs low while ensuring that things stay cozy inside your Pennsylvania home. Data collected by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, however, indicates that the quality of air inside homes or businesses can sometimes suffer during the winter months. Here are three important ways in which you can improve indoor air quality and indoor comfort this year.

Air Filters

The first line of defense against toxins and chemicals inside your home or office is usually the air filter of your HVAC system. Over time, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can be released from common household items like furnishings, household cleaners, and air fresheners. Depending on the type and filtration rating of your air filter, you may be able to remove many of these VOCs simply by operating your heating system normally. This can help you and your family to enjoy the cleanest and healthiest indoor environment this winter.

Air Purifiers

Air purification systems can provide added help in managing the quality of indoor air. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have even noted the effectiveness of air purifiers in reducing the transmission of viruses inside homes and buildings. Some air purifiers use UV light to destroy microbes before they can enter your home or business. This can reduce your exposure to particulate materials and harmful microorganisms inside your home or business this year.


During the colder parts of the year, making sure you and your family get plenty of fresh air indoors can be challenging. Modern ventilation systems can introduce fresher air from outside to reduce concentrations of pollutants in your indoor spaces without affecting temperature levels inside your home or business.

At Titan HVAC Inc., we offer proven solutions for improving the quality of the air inside Pennsylvania homes and offices. To learn more about our lineup of indoor air quality solutions, give us a call today. The Titan HVAC Inc. team looks forward to the opportunity to serve your heating and cooling needs in Allison Park, Cranberry and throughout the greater Pittsburgh area.

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