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5 Tasks You Should Complete to Get Your Furnace Ready for Winter

furnace repair

When the Allison Park weather turns cold, HVAC contractors are swamped with furnace repair calls. Here are five easy steps to prevent heater breakdowns and keep your family comfortable and safe:

1. Schedule Heating Maintenance

If you do only one thing for your furnace, have it professionally serviced. Your technician will perform a series of tasks designed to restore your system to a like-new condition. That includes thoroughly examining your equipment for any irregularities that could cause a breakdown.

2. Install Carbon Monoxide Detectors

These inexpensive alarms can detect even minute amounts of carbon monoxide in indoor air. If you already have alarms installed, make sure they’re working properly.

3. Protect the AC Condenser Unit

Your air conditioner’s outdoor unit should be covered during the winter. Hail, sleet and falling icicles can all damage the unit. A large trash barrel secured by bungee cords can protect your equipment from the elements.

4. Keep the Furnace Area Clean

Keep storage items six or more feet from your heater. Clear away dust, dirt and cobwebs. Check your vents to ensure that there are no airflow obstructions. Vacuum the vents to remove accumulated dust and dirt.

5. Check the Furnace Filters Often

Dirty filters can cause extensive damage to heaters. The more people, pets and activity in your home, the more often your filters will need replacement. When you can’t see light through a filter, it’s time for a new one. If your furnace has a humidifier, check the filter on that as well. Consider an upgrade from flat filters to pleated or HEPA filters. Your indoor air will be cleaner, and your furnace will be more efficient.

At Titan HVAC Inc., we offer a variety of heating services to keep your home toasty. Call us at (412) 424-6794 to learn more.

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