5 Heat Pump Components and Their Purposes in Allison Park, PA

Air Heat Pump Collection

When the thermostat triggers your heat pump to heat or cool your Allison Park, PA home, multiple system components go into action. Each of these components has a unique role to play. Below, we discuss some heat pump components and what they do.

1. Air Filter

When your heat pump draws air from your living space, the air must pass through a filter before entering the system. The filter traps any pollutants in this air.

You need to change the filter often to enable it to clean your indoor air efficiently. It’s advisable to use filters with a MERV rating of 8 to 13, as these are capable of catching common household particles.

2. Outdoor Coil

The outdoor coil has different functions depending on the season. In winter, the coil absorbs heat from the surroundings. In summer, it transfers heat from your house to the environment.

This coil should always be clean to conduct these functions efficiently. Schedule regular maintenance to keep it clean.

3. Indoor Coil

The indoor coil receives heat from the outdoor coil during winter and releases this heat into your indoor air. When summer comes, the coil draws heat from the indoor air to facilitate the cooling process.

4. Refrigerant and Reversing Valve

Refrigerant operates in a loop, making trips between the indoor and outdoor coils. It moves heat from the outdoor coil to the indoor coil when it’s cold outside and transfers heat from the indoor coil to the outdoor coil when it’s hot. Thanks to the reversing valve, the fluid is able to change the direction of flow when seasons change.

5. Compressor

After the refrigerant absorbs heat at the indoor or outdoor coils, it passes through the compressor. The compressor makes the refrigerant release heat by altering its temperature and pressure.

These components must always be in good shape to work efficiently. Call Titan HVAC Inc. for quality heating services when your heat pump components break down. We will take care of the problem in the shortest time possible.

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