3 Signs You Need an AC Replacement in Allison Park, PA

AC replacement fan

Eventually, you’ll need to replace your Allison Park, PA air conditioner. While you can delay that by promptly scheduling repairs and scheduling regular maintenance, all ACs eventually wear out. If you notice any of these three signs, it’s probably time to consider an AC replacement.

1. Inconsistent Temperatures

Your air conditioner should distribute cooled air evenly throughout your whole house. When the system nears the end of its service life, it may struggle to maintain consistent temperatures in your home. Installing a new system ensures your home has is comfortable throughout.

However, before you replace your system, have it inspected to find any other issues. Sometimes, your air conditioner may not be the culprit. You may have installed your thermostat in a location where temperatures fluctuate, such as near windows and doors, causing the thermostat to prompt your air conditioner to turn on and off more times than usual.

2. High Energy Bills

If your energy bill keeps soaring every month, your air conditioner is one of the culprits whose energy consumption you should closely monitor. Your air conditioner can consume excessive energy if it runs constantly or short cycles.

When you upgrade to a new air conditioner, you will enjoy reduced energy costs because modern HVAC systems have features that enable them to use energy efficiently. There have been technologic advances in the past 10 years that have enhanced efficiencies in new HVAC systems. For instance, these air conditioners have a different refrigerant from their outdated counterparts that absorbs and releases heat quickly, thus enabling the systems to cool homes quickly.

3. Age

An air conditioner’s lifespan is about 10 years, as per ENERGY STAR. If your air conditioner is older than 10 years, it will struggle to satisfy your home’s cooling load since its parts have become worn out with time.

The old parts break down, resulting in regular AC downtimes and inflated repair costs. To avoid these issues, look into replacing your air conditioner every 10-15 years.

Upgrading your air conditioner allows your home’s occupants to enjoy uninterrupted comfort. Call our air conditioning experts at Titan HVAC Inc. when you need to install a new AC or have a need for AC repairs.

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